A Luxury Travel Blog is like no other travel blog.
It focuses on the finer aspects of travel and serves as a gateway for the discerning traveller, providing information on the most luxurious hotels and resorts, the finest restaurants and news from within the luxury travel industry, to name just a few.
Unfortunately, I can't afford any of it, but nice to dream...
Opinionated, ill-tempered, overweight, prejudiced, overeducated and jetlagged 4 months of the year... Reluctant but frequent traveller as international buyer for Elizabeth's Bookshops. Travel, restaurants, yachting, good books and the people you meet when you don't have a gun... Plus Toby Schmitz & Rory Schmitz
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Elizabeth's Bookshop bags Travel the World... As Dean Martin said "keep those cards and letters coming in, folks..."
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Hold History in your hands... The original handwritten Errata to Winston Churchill's History of World War II
Churchill's THE SECOND WORLD WAR with the ORIGINAL handwritten Errata and Corrigenda
Complete 6 volume set of First Editions, containing 5 sheets (17.5 x 7 cms) of ink and pencil Corrigenda, corresponding exactly to the printed Corrigenda that appear in Vol I after p.610Attributed by the Chuchill Archives centre to Edward Marsh, Winston's literary assistant on this project.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Two cheers for Oxfam Bookshops
@OxfamScotland Oxfam Scotland
For everyone in Glasgow who missed Borders- did you know oxfam now have a bookshop at royal exchnage square?
How wonderful! Another nail in the coffin of rent-paying, staff-paying independent bookshops.
How to hack in to the New York Times Square video screens...

Hacker with iPhone take over NY Times Square screens
Sunday, March 13, 2011
"The way it works is pretty simple: plug in my transmitter into the headphone minijack of an iphone 4 and play back any video clip. you can play it through the ipod feature or through the camera roll. the transmitter instantly sends the video signal to the video repeater and the video repeater overrides any video screen that it's being held next to. it doesn't matter what shape or size the hacked screen is because the hack video will simply keep its correct dimensions and the rest of the hacked space will stay black.
i chose times square for my demo because it has lots of video screens to try it on. it is also one of the most monitored and secured areas in new york city and that made it that much more fun :). you can see in my video that the repeater is pretty powerful but the signal is not very stable yet. i'm working on that. i will post a new video later this week explaining how i made this prototype."
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
May/June Buying Trip, Part 1 :London Heathrow, Pittsburgh, Toronto, Chicago, Washington, Philadelphia
Just fine-tuning my itinerary for the May / June buying trip. And Rory (Younger Scion of the Elizabeth's Bookshops Family / Empire / Take-away) is coming with me... Hooray!

A book warehouse in the toughest part of Chicago. The ground floor still has a railway siding reputedly used by Al Capone's mob to
unload boot leg liquor back in the Prohibition era. In winter, it is -25 degrees inside the warehouse. And it's really difficult to select book titles while you're wearing ski gloves and goggles... In summer, the sailing is truly serious, with some very grown up boats at the Yacht Club. Our suppliers are very academic, discuss Post-Realism vs Nietzsche over dinner but, apart from being wonderful people, also really know how to eat & drink!

And then to the UK for Part II of the journey...
Watch this space (if World Cup Cricket is not on the telly)
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
Avon Lovell, author of "The Mickelberg Stitch" launches his new book LITANY OF LIES this Sunday 13th March 12 noon at Elizabeth's, Rokeby Rd Subiaco

At an outback campfire at Ora Banda, a hidden gunman shoots down Gypsy Joker, Billy Grierson.
The isolated gold mining town was owned by a former ranking cop, Don Hancock. He had the pub, the race track, the general store, caravan park and a gold ore crusher.
Hancock earned millions in illicit gold when he was Western Australia's most senior detective. He owned a gold mine, race horses, properties and a large share portfolio in gold ventures. He also received regular cash from prostitutes for his protection.
He was the State's foremost cop, and foremost corrupt cop.
His reputation was based on an infamous sting on the Royal Mint, Perth. Bullion worth (in today's money) about $2.9m was extracted by a cunning thief using only a telephone. No witnesses, no violence, no victim. An extraordinary crime that was solved by Don Hancock, delivering up three brothers, Brian, Peter and Ray Mickelberg, who copped lengthy sentences.
And it was all based on falsified evidence.
Lovell's first book, The Mickelberg Stitch, detailed a forged fingerprint, false confessions and a sham sketch of a suspect. The book was swiftly banned on police applications. His second book, Split Image, did not even hit the streets because of police and Crown threats to booksellers.
A few weeks after the murder of Billy Grierson, Ora Banda was blown to pieces. A year later, Don Hancock was executed by a car bomb. Was it the bikies? . . . Or was it crooked fellow cops afraid he would reveal his dark secrets?
The entire bizarre history of a twisted judicial and police system is exposed in:
Litany of Lies
The creme de la creme of the Perth bikie & pollie & veteran journo community is expected to lend some frisson to the occasion... So be there!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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